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简介 Once upon a time, during the Qin Dynasty, there was an old man named Meng. He lived with his wife i

Once upon a time, during the Qin Dynasty, there was an old man named Meng. He lived with his wife in a small village. One spring, Meng decided to sow a seed of bottle gourd in his yard. He took great care of the plant, watering it every day and watching it grow.


Just like Meng, there was another old man named Jiang who also lived in the village. Jiang had no children and became very fond of the plant. He would often visit Meng's yard and admire the growing gourd.

As time passed, the gourd grew bigger and bigger until it was ready to be harvested. One day, Jiang plucked it off the vine, and to their surprise, when they cut open the gourd, a pretty and lovely girl was lying inside! They named her Meng Jiangnu, which means "Meng and Jiang's daughter."

Meng Jiangnu cry the Great Wall.

Meng Jiangnu grew up to be a kind-hearted and beautiful young woman. She brought joy to everyone in the village with her gentle nature. fate had something else in store for her.

During that time, China was ruled by an emperor who wanted to build a great wall to protect his kingdom from invaders. Thousands of laborers were forced into hard labor to construct this massive structure. Among them was Meng Jiangnu's husband.

Meng Jiangnu missed her husband dearly and decided to visit him at the Great Wall. She embarked on a long journey filled with determination and love for her husband.

The journey was arduous as she faced many challenges along the way. She walked through treacherous mountains and crossed raging rivers, but nothing could stop her from reaching the Great Wall.

Finally, after months of traveling, Meng Jiangnu arrived at the Great Wall. She searched for her husband among the exhausted workers and finally found him. her joy was short-lived as she discovered that her husband had passed away due to the harsh conditions.

The grief-stricken Meng Jiangnu couldn't bear the loss of her beloved husband. She cried out in anguish, and her tears fell like raindrops on the Great Wall. Legend has it that her cries were so powerful that a section of the wall collapsed, revealing her husband's remains.

This heartbreaking story of love and sacrifice has been passed down through generations in China. It reminds us of the power of love and the strength of human spirit.

Even today, when people visit the Great Wall, they can still hear Meng Jiangnu's cries echoing through its ancient stones.

  • The story of Meng Jiangnu teaches us about the enduring power of love and the lengths one can go to for their loved ones.
  • It highlights the importance of empathy and compassion towards others.
  • It also serves as a reminder that even in times of great hardship, hope and resilience can prevail.

China is a land rich in history and culture, with countless stories that touch our hearts and inspire us.



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